Get FREE tailor-made reports from one of the world's most extensive repositories of malicious domains and gain insight into Domain Abuse trends
is a unique resource helping you see a problem!
Subscribing to iQ Abuse reports is quick, easy and totally free! There are no fees or payment details to enter unless you choose to upgrade to a more detailed report.
When you subscribe you will need to specify if you want the report to be based on Top-Level domain extensions, name servers, IP addresses, or a list of domain names. Then you will need to input the TLDs, DNS-servers, IPs, or domain names you wish to include in your customized report.
Once you have defined your report parameters, you will be asked to confirm your account, then your first Abuse report will be waiting in your inbox!
Invite team members to share your report. You can invite as many team members as you wish to receive the report.